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Por que aprender inglês faz diferença na sua vida?

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Texto vencedor do Projeto “Redator Por Um Dia” da escola de Idiomas CNA Rolândia

“I’m a 64-year-old lady. I’m retired from public service. I had three daughters and a son; they are all married today. I also have seven grandchildren. I always really enjoyed studying and learning. When I retired, I decided I wouldn’t stop studying, so I started learning English. It has been very important for me because it keeps my mind active, provides me more contact with people of different ages and realities, and I can socialize too.
Another reason why I decided to study English is that my son moved to the U.S.A with his family. When I visit them, I’ll be able to speak and understand their native language. English learning can change one’s life professionally and personally because, after all, it’s a language spoken worldwide.”

Izabel Christina Giordani, 64 anos, aluna do curso intermediário da escola CNA Rolândia.

O texto acima é o vencedor do Projeto “Redator Por Um Dia” da escola de Idiomas CNA Rolândia.
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Escola de idiomas
Inglês e Espanhol
FoneWhats: (43) 99147-4563 ou 98842-0665
Fone: 3051-0660
Inter. Manoel Ribas, 1547 – próximo ao Concórdia





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